Four Journeys, One Call: Iconic Women and Their Impact on Today’s Society

5 min readJul 28, 2023


The rescue of female integrity and a call to authenticity.

Pictures of internet: Wonder Woman | Barbie — The Filme | Maria Magdalena | Nina Simone

We women are immersed in a journey that leads us, time and again, to reflect on the similarities, differences and dysfunctions in the representation of current women in their leadership in the work market and personal life.

I do this myself, and I found myself in a process of putting together stories of women and characters so diverse that they brought me even more certainty that respect and integrity are what we must plant in ourselves every day.

I bring four female icons, between real stories and constructed characters, which each of these women teaches us valuable lessons about empowerment, resilience, self-knowledge and leadership, in addition to their representativeness.

I dedicate this article to all women; and even though half of them are fictional characters, it always reflects the female soul in each of them. After all, we bring some reflection of them into our lives.

What drew my attention to so many analyzes described about the Barbie movie was the need to bring out the ‘true’ message behind the doll.

And by exploring the trajectories of four famous female characters from real life and cinema, I bring Wonder Woman, Barbie, Maria Magdalene and Nina Simone.

But what is the connection between them to rescue female integrity in our current life experiences?

Wonder Woman: The Balance Between Strength and Vulnerability

Wonder Woman, one of pop culture’s most iconic heroines, embodies strength, courage and female power. Its cinematographic construction represents a significant advance in terms of female representation in entertainment. She is an inspiring leader, determined to uphold justice and protect the most vulnerable. Her story leads us to reflect on how women are able to lead and make a difference in their communities.

Diana Prince, Wonder Woman, embodies a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Her relationship with herself is based on the search for balance between her strength and vulnerability, but also encourages us to question the duality between the strong and the vulnerable feminine. She recognizes her unique abilities and the challenges she faces as a demigod, but also embraces her emotions and frailties, showing that being powerful doesn’t mean being impenetrable.

Which is reflected in the modern woman, who is often faced with the pressure of being unshakable, hiding her weaknesses. It is important to understand that strength comes in many forms and that empowerment also means embracing vulnerability and personal growth.

As an inspiring leader, she values unity and teamwork. Her journey reveals the importance of respecting differences and joining forces to achieve common goals.

Barbie: Beyond Looks

Barbie, representing an iconic and controversial figure, portrays a journey of self-acceptance and overcoming stereotypes. Symbol of beauty standards and aesthetic perfection, it has been the target of criticism and heated debates over the years.

Her glamorous image and seemingly perfect life-building in movies, cartoons and other media can create unrealistic expectations for modern women.

Barbie’s story reminds us that the pursuit of an idealized image often obscures our true essence.

Her relationship with herself is initially centered on appearance and imposed beauty standards, but throughout her story, she discovers the value of her individuality and diversity.

Barbie’s journey provokes us to reflect on how the market shapes women’s perception, influencing the way they see and value themselves. In this sense, it is essential to challenge standards and stereotypes, remembering that the beauty and value of a woman go beyond external appearance.

In interpersonal relationships, Barbie is portrayed as a social figure, but she also faces the difficulty of being frequently judged for her appearance. Which highlights the importance of valuing who we are inside and not allowing the opinion of others to define our self-esteem.

Mary Magdalene: The Rescue of the Essence

The story of Mary Magdalene, which inspires me a lot, is marked by a journey of personal and spiritual rediscovery. Her relationship with herself is a true rescue of the essence, as she goes from a life full of judgments to finding a greater purpose alongside Jesus Christ. This transformation reflects the importance of an intimate connection with yourself, understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and seeking positive change in your life.

Among her interpersonal relationships, Mary Magdalene is portrayed as a courageous and loyal woman, demonstrating a deep devotion to Jesus and his teachings.

Her journey highlights the strength of human connections and how they can be fundamental for personal transformation, and makes us think about the need to value the essence of each woman, regardless of the narratives that surround her.

Nina Simone: The Voice of Authenticity and Fight

Nina Simone, an iconic black woman, enters the scene as a fundamental character for this analysis. Her voice is a warm soul.

Her journey is marked by her relentless pursuit of authenticity and the role she played in the struggle for civil rights and racial equality. The relationship with herself is a journey of self-affirmation and empowerment, finding her true voice and identity through music and activism.

In interpersonal relationships, Nina Simone demonstrates her strength in facing adversity and challenges in a deeply segregated social and cultural scenario. She becomes an inspirational figure, showing the importance of standing up against injustice and standing up for your convictions with passion and courage.

Crossing the Lines: A Call to Authenticity

Crossing Nina Simone’s journey with the other characters, an even more powerful call arises for the acceptance and appreciation of diversity and equality.

Wonder Woman highlights the importance of balancing our strength with vulnerability, embracing all facets of our personalities and recognizing that being powerful does not mean being invulnerable.

Barbie reminds us that accepting our true individuality is essential for a positive self-image and healthy interpersonal relationships.

The story of Maria Madalena teaches us that it is essential to rescue our essence, overcome imposed labels and find a genuine purpose in our lives.

Mary Magdalene, Wonder Woman, Barbie and Nina Simone remind us that the journey to authenticity and empowerment is unique to every woman, regardless of her race, background or appearance.

By crossing their relationships, we are called upon to build an inclusive society that recognizes the value of each woman in her entirety, allowing their voices to be heard, their stories to be told and their dreams to be fulfilled. And above all, be respected.

This joining of forces leads us to a visionary future, where female leadership is appreciated and encouraged, and where all women are seen as agents of change and inspiration for society as a whole.

Positive and Visionary Projection

We must move towards a society that values the authenticity and essence of each woman, without being limited by stereotypes and superficial expectations.

The presence of women must be encouraged and supported in all areas of society, allowing women to be seen as leaders capable of promoting significant changes.

In projecting a visionary future, we aspire to a society that celebrates women’s achievements, that encourages the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth and for leadership positions. It is essential that real and true stories are told, giving voice to all women and their experiences.

Having a search for a more authentic and compassionate relationship with ourselves and others.

By rejecting stereotypes, embracing our diversity and promoting a culture of empowerment and respect, we can move towards a more inclusive and equal society, valuing female leadership and the transformative power of women in all spheres of life.

And you, have you rescued your feminine integrity for your authenticity? ;)




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