The value of an Assessment — done right — to increase your chances of success and establish a solid, lasting foundation with your client.

3 min readJul 6, 2023


Hello! A warm welcome to readers! 👋
This is my first post here on Medium. I’m back to writing after a long period. And so, I bring you something special, on a path of constant learning, to help entrepreneurs, project managers, aspiring people in growth and those who want to enter the area, to acquire practical experiences.

Good reading and learning too. ;)

I have already developed many commercial proposals for digital transformation for clients from different market segments. From small to large corporations. From traditional to startups. Nationals and internationals.

And the first step when starting a new venture, a new project or even looking to expand an existing business, it is crucial to understand your pains, needs and previously existing challenges.

As I’ve been through several companies, some with their own methodologies and others not, I compiled 4 steps on how to carry out an Assessment and the importance of detailing, which can provide valuable information for the development of an effective business proposal.

So here we go:

Step 1: Gather Preliminary Information: Before meeting with the client, it is critical to conduct research and gather relevant information about the company, industry, competition, and market trends. This will allow you to have a solid base of knowledge when starting the assessment.

Step 2: Client Meeting: Schedule a meeting with the client to discuss their specific goals, challenges, and needs. It is important to listen carefully to the customer and ask targeted questions to gain a comprehensive understanding of their expectations and priorities.

Step 3: Internal and External Environment Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the client’s company’s internal environment, examining its capabilities, processes, strengths and weaknesses. Then conduct an analysis of the external environment, identifying opportunities, threats and relevant market trends. This will provide a broad view of the scenario in which the client is inserted.

Step 4: Needs and gaps assessment: Based on the information collected, identify the client’s main needs and gaps. Analyze existing pain points and determine how your business proposition can fill these gaps and meet specific customer needs.

Thus, using the information obtained during the assessment, it is possible to prepare a detailed business proposal. Validate the rational line pre-designed by you or the client and propose something personalized, aligned with the client’s goals, highlighting the specific benefits that your offer will bring to the company.

Did you like these tips? By following the steps mentioned above, you will be well prepared to collect relevant information, identify gaps and develop a solid proposal. And if you still don’t have this expertise and are going through this moment, studying the client and/or presenting an adequate business proposal, feel free to schedule a mentorship with me (

Preparing properly for the presentation, highlighting the key points of the proposal, explaining the benefits and answering possible questions from the client, will gain confidence, credibility and greater value delivery power that you or your company is capable of in the market. Demonstrate confidence and convey the message that your proposed solution is the best option to meet the customer’s needs based on studies, research, trends and data.

Carrying out a complete assessment of the client is essential to present a business proposal that meets specific expectations and needs.
Remember to adapt your approach to each client, as each company will have its particularities. With a well-crafted proposal, you increase your chances of success and lay a solid foundation for a long-lasting business relationship.




Specialist in Strategic Product Planning and Digital Transformation Project Management.